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Accessible Travel with Ahipara in New Zealand

Ahipahara's planning process started by understanding what was truly accessible in New Zealand and what was marketing window dressing.  And by truly accessible, it means those special people who were motivated by making as much as possible available to a sector of the marketplace marginalised by lip service. What was discovered was quite surprising an exceptional few impressed to the point of shedding tears.  For people in tourism who often deal with people who seem to think complaining makes them discerning, it was found that delivering was extremely rewarding.  People in the accessible sector are so often excluded, they actually notice all the little touches our partners work away at to make the time exceptional, and they are thankful. 

The approach of treating each client as unique had a good bit of cross-over with understanding unique physical or mental requirements.  But there was still a lot to learn - mainly about little things which people with no barriers to enjoyment don't even notice. 

If you or someone traveling with you has any access requirements, Ahipara is happy to roll up their sleeves, understand those issues, and deliver New Zealand as seamlessly as possible while giving every person travelling a fun, rewarding and inspiring, inclusive experience. 

Ahipara Travel is an award winning New Zealand luxury tourism company which prides itself on putting together the most varied and exciting itineraries and experiences. Whether the focus is sightseeing, adrenaline, discovery, sport, food and wine or hunting and fishing, etc.. they will create the perfect package.  A key aspect of their operation is that they incorporate fundamental Maori values. Values based on honesty, openness, and a recognition of our responsibility to the planet, the country, to its tangata whenua (original inhabitants), to our partners, to our staff, and of course to the clients.

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